Margaret Nock

Read on!

Where Two Worlds Meet is a wonderful resource if you’re
studying mediumship, or want to understand it better for
yourself or a loved one.  I highly recommend Janet’s
book as a “go to” resource for your library.  Click on
the photos to learn more about these books,
Janet Nohavec and Suzanne Giesemann.
You might also be interested in
in the silence
All three of these books make a wonderful and
inspirational gift for yourself and others.
We continue to recover from our loss.  I want to
thank you for your love and light for Molly and our
family.  Also, I would like to thank those of you who
have contacted me and participated in the recent
focus  group.  I value your insight and input into what
you wish to see more of on the Six Sensory Being
website, services and local events.  I cherish the
connection as it helps me understand your
metaphysical and healing needs.
Now on a happier note, I will be adding some new
options, services, and downloads in the coming months
that will support your metaphysical and healing needs.
 It’s hard not to spill the beans, so that’s all I’m going to
say, but I will add that there will be free offerings, and
goodies all the way around. I encourage you to follow along
and interact with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and
subscribe to the Six Sensory Being newsletter (located at the
top of the page).  You can also receive updates here on the blog.
My soul’s purpose and personal goal has always been to
spread the message of love and healing as a Medium and  bring
more light to the Earth as a Light Worker.  You  have all helped me
with this purpose and I am grateful for your support and the lessons
that I’ve experienced. May you all receive love and light this week and
I encourage you to continue to spread love, light and joy to everyone!
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Quote for today
As the sculptor devotes himself to wood and stone, I would
devote myself to my soul. Toyohiko Kagawa