Margaret Nock

Evolutionary Wisdom and Healing!

“True liberation of humanity is only possible when we do the inner work, seek self-knowledge and live by higher principles like integrity and compassion.
Laura Eisenhower
Are you ready for a great read? Over the weekend, I had a chance to read this wonderful book. You’re going to love this one. It’s filled with love, wisdom and guidance for today and beyond.
This is a new book compiled beautifully by Ariadne Avalon. Already a best seller, Evolutionary Healer, Radical Wisdom from 18 Ascending Visionaries, covers helpful topics by each author.  It’s easy to read and well published by Krystala Publishing.
Enjoy these 18 inspiring legendary healers who have been leading the charge and showing the way to deeper understanding of ourselves and where we are heading during the evolutionary shift that is now occurring on Earth.
This one’s a keeper. It was, for me, such an inspiring and unique read.
We live in such interesting and sometimes wildly challenging times here on Earth in 2020. I’m so glad you are here and sending love and respect to you.
Happy Autumn Reading!
From my heart to yours,
Please use what you need and disregard what does not serve.
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