Margaret Nock

Four Important Steps to Regain Balance

“In our personal and professional lives, we are constantly hit with one adversity after the other, most of which we have no control over. But the four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.” – Diamond Dallas Page

Source: Every Day Power

Today, consider the North Star wisdom, if you will.

Navigators have relied on the North Star for centuries. It has been a guide post in the storm. You have an internal navigation system of your own.

During this massive worldwide experience of change, it is helpful to remember that we are still in control of our person hood and free will.

Here are some additional suggestions of ways we can help ourselves navigate whatever is ahead:

Tune inward:

Connect with the higher-self wisdom

Listen to the beautiful heart wisdom

Allow your divine senses, Feelings and Knowing to help navigate you through a difficulty.

Try to be present in each moment.

Release what does not feel right for you.

Practice even more kindness than ever before.

Know that you are supported by your A-Team and the God of your understanding, even if you don’t think they are really there. You are whole, beautiful and enough as you are.

Try to remember this part of today’s quote, if you ever feel that you are struggling, scared or confused.

“Four things we have total control over is how we react, how we adapt, how we breathe, and how we take action.”

Always remember that you can follow your inner North Star navigation. You’ve had the power all along, beautiful soul.

I have offered some suggestions. Please choose what works for you and release the things that don’t resonate.

From my heart to yours,


Image Credit: Fabian Møller, Unsplash


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