Margaret Nock

1-1 Phone Sessions

All phone appointments are booked in Eastern Standard Time, U.S.  All phone sessions are through my conference center.  You will receive the number and login info upon payment for the service.  You have the option for a recording of your  session which can be helpful. It will be recorded privately for your convenience. 

If you don’t see an appointment day or time that fits into your schedule, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via the Contact page.

MENTORING  available.

“The times they are a changin'”

-Bob Dylan

3 New Exciting Services Now a Available to help you navigate through challenging times.

Ascension Awakening, Awareness and Symptoms 1-1 Session

What is Ascension? It’s the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. When this happens, you may experience some ascension symptoms. We will go over the seven most common signs during our 1-1 Session and you will also receive additional guidance to help you manage any symptoms you may be experiencing. You are not alone. There are many people on the planet who are experiencing this awakening.
Photo Credit: Patrick Hendry, Unsplash

Book via the Schedule Appt. page.

Ever wonder about your Galactic Heritage?  1-1 Session

You could be a star seed if you are drawn to this session. This 1-1 session is a wonderful opportunity to hone in on your Galactic Heritage energy more profoundly.  During this 1-1 session, I will be using the Galactic Heritage cards which are the first and only of their kind created by Lyssa Royal-Holt’s groundbreaking book The Prism of Lyra.  You will gain more insight into your star lineage, karmic patterns and any lessons brought to Earth from the stars and how those lessons can help you now and be used in your life on Earth.  I have had great success with this method and look forward to reading for you.

Book via the Schedule Appt. page.


Your Are A Star Seed Awakening, 1-1  Discovery Session

 A star seed will incarnate into the same physical conditions as any other human on earth, sharing the same original divine origins and purpose on a higher level of being. They are born into complete helplessness and amnesia concerning their own identity. This is an in depth 1-1 session to help you understand more about your galactic journey, heritage, mission, activate the 12 strands of DNA and activate your unique codes. If you feel you are star seed, than this is the time to learn more about yourself and your much needed contributions to Earth. after eons of being disconnected from the spiritual portion of your DNA, you can once again experience being your Divine Self. Image Credit: Rodion Kutsaev

Book via the Schedule Appt. page.

Energetic Clearing and Cord Cutting Session

Energetic Clearing Session

Do you ever experience feeling sad, angry or just plain drained after being around a certain person, place, or in a crowd? You may also feel unwell when you are exposed to many of the energy that surround us daily.  Receive an energetic check-in with me in the Energetic Clearing Session to help you balance and return to your high vibrational self.

 Book via the Schedule Appt. page.



Tools for Empaths

Are you a person who tunes into and feels the pain and emotions of others to such a degree that it has caused you to withdraw from or disrupt your life in some way? Is the drama of others making you sick? Learn how to manage and embrace your gift of empathy during your session.

Book via Schedule Appt. page



Divine Light Channeling Session

During your Divine Light Channeling Session, you may ask questions and receive guidance, healing and the beautiful and high vibrations of pure divine light and wisdom. As a certified, I ask only for your highest, most loving, teachers, guides, angels, ascended masters, saints and higher beings of light and love. It will be their information and guidance that you will be receiving.

Book via Schedule Appt. page.


Akashic Record Reading

Akashic Records Session

A session within the Akashic also known as the Book of Life is a record of your current, past, lives and ancestral patterning.  Accessing this eternal knowledge with the help of the Pathway Prayer, can bring peace and insight into your present life here on Earth in present time and a deeper understanding of the  wisdom of your ancestral line.The Akashic records are in a space of high vibrational energy and therefore you are receiving insight and emotional and spiritual healing from a higher source without judgement.

Book via Schedule Appt. page.

 Angel Card Reading

Angel Therapy® Session

Healing subtle guidance and high vibrational energy and love is received throughout the Angel Therapy Session. This powerful session is specifically designed for you by devoted and loving angels as they help you to let go and allow space within your life for higher guidance and to help you move toward more love, vitality, and growth in your daily life.  You will begin to unfold more peacefully along your life path after your session as you integrate through your heart chakra a new awareness of all the love and assistance that is available to you here on Earth and from higher sources of light, wisdom, and love.  As always, follow your doctor’s advice if you are receiving care.

Book via Schedule Appt. page.

 Spirit Reading 2

Evidential Spirit Session-(Mediumship)

Messages from your departed loved ones are delivered to you in a compassionate manner. The reading will include both evidential information and healing messages from your departed loved one. The messages you are meant to receive will bring peace and a better understanding of the love and support we all receive from the other side. Many of you ask, which is better, a phone session or in person appt. The answer is there is no difference, the energy and connection is the same. Spirit works with us in amazing ways. There will be time to answer any questions at the end. Please do not email or include any information about the person(s) you wish to hear from. Thank you.

Book via Schedule Appt. Page.

Intuitive Reading

General Comprehensive Clairvoyant Session

During your 1-1 Clairvoyant Session, we will take a look at what is happening in your life in present time. Your reading will include what’s ahead for you, where you need healing, insight into career, and romance. We may also cover, if needed, past lives and how they are influencing your current situation. During the session, an ascended master healer that you are comfortable with will come into the sacred space to update your soul contracts, clear your energy blocks, and remove any cords that are causing you emotional pain. All of this is done with your permission, of course. If you are not willing to release than that will also be honored. We all heal in our own time.

 Book via Schedule Appt. page.

The Email Readings and Attunements page has an array of email  readings and attunements that may interest you, as  well.

Please read before booking a session:


Your appointment is important to me.  It’s uniquely your time with Spirit and healing and I prepare in advance for each client session. Please contact me within 24 hours if you’re unable to keep your scheduled appointment and reschedule by visiting Schedule Appt page.  You  will also be contacted immediately, if I’m unable to keep an appointment due to an emergency or illness.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions before you book your appointment.  Please visit the Contact page. Send in your questions and I will answer you within 24 hours (probably sooner!)


Readings, attunements and Reiki services are not a replacement for regular medical care. Please continue to follow all advice and take all prescriptions as directed by your health care professionals. By purchasing attunements and or receiving healing, you openly acknowledge and accept these facts. Reiki serves only as a method of relaxation and stress reduction. All energy healing services are non-invasive, safe, objective and are not a substitute for conventional medical treatment and medications.  As with all forms of health care, individual results vary and are not 100% guaranteed. Some clients may experience “detoxification symptoms” or releases during the 24-48 hours following a session or attunement, which may be somewhat uncomfortable, particularly if a client has been experiencing chronic or heightened levels of stress. Any and all information exchanged relating to a reading, attunement or Reiki treatment is educational in nature and is intended to help the client become more familiar and conscious of their own health status and is to be used at their own discretion. Any information imparted prior to, during, and/or following a session is strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone without the client’s written permission, except as required by law. The energy services provided by Margaret Nock at Six Sensory Being represent general energy balancing and are not intended to replace the advice or services offered by a medical doctor. Attunements will only be given to persons aged 18 years or older.

If you are having financial difficulties, I do offer Angelic Pricing for those who feel they need it. Please use the Contact form to request more information on availability.


