Margaret Nock

What if…Monday Madness Pep Talk

All Rights Reserved
Lead and light the way…be a beacon.
What if your Earth mentors, teachers and six
sensory friends decided:

You know what? This six sensory life thing is
too dificult to deal with.

 My sensitivity is just too painful to manage.

 I’m scared to try (fill in the blank). 

Wow, what a mess, right? Back up and consider where you might be if someone had felt this way and not been able to offer you encouragement, information, or inspiration along your journey in life.  Your being here is important.  We are all connected.  We know this fact deep down, feel this connection and if you need science to back this up, new information is constantly being put out there for us to consider.  Our spiritual teachings should and do guide us to connect with each other, share, and be of service to others.   A simple smile, share, or creative endeavor can all be part of the plan of your life. Go connect with life.  Go now! 
Take better care of yourself today, you little beacon of light, you.  Small daily changes or steps are wonderful beginnings.  Try to be gentle with yourself and others and don’t feel bad if you falter.  Ask that all be resolved in a peaceful, loving way that is correct for all involved.
Every morning I thank my creator for a chance to begin again. Those words feel natural to me. Do chose the words that work for you and bring that connection to the divine so that you can move forward confidently and with a clear mind and loving heart.
Allow the Monday madness to roll off you like a water off a ducks back today and be a beacon of beautiful light.  Pretty soon you’ll be looking forward to serving others without any fear or hesitation in your very own unique and beautiful six sensory way.

Margaret (allowing my beacon to have rainbow colors – woohoo!)
The picutre above is one of my free knitting patterns.If this interests you, please visit free pattern section. 🙂
Photos and content are the property of Margaret E. Nock. All rights reserved.