Margaret Nock

Try a blessings day!

SixSensoryBeingAll rights reserved.

Did you know that your food carries the energy of those who have handled or cooked it?  How about those packages your receive at your door or perhaps those wonderful oracle cards on your new app that you use throughout the day? Consider performing a simple act of blessing to any item in your home, car, or office.  Consider blessing everything and everyone you encounter.  This act of blessing and gratitude doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Simply say to yourself, for example, I bless this ______ with purified source energy.

When we have the intention of blessing something with purified source energy, we remove any lower vibrations from what we bless.  If you’re trained in Reiki, or any other healing/balancing energy practice you’re probably already performing this blessing practice with (or all of) these methods: intention, symbols, or channeling energy from source.

Prayers over food, for example, have been a tradition for many and an expression of gratitude.  Consider using the prayers taught to you from childhood if you’ve been away from a practice of daily gratitude and blessings.  Find new ones that resonate with your vibration as an adult, or create your own.

In my own life, I find blessing our garden and home to be one of the most important ways to keep peace and harmony in my home and the sacred space that I use for readings and Reiki for my clients.  When walking, I often bless everything in view as a practice of gratitude.  Whenever I knit chemo caps, I also charge them with healing energy for the person who receives it.

The more you practice blessings of gratitude, the higher your vibrations will become and the quicker you’ll be able to manifest peace, joy and other high vibrational experiences.

I encourage you  to begin now, and soon you’ll be excited everyday to explore the new world of high vibrational living.  Teach your children and they will delight in spreading blessings as it comes so easily to them.

Blessing to all,

Margaret (Joyful to write today)

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