Margaret Nock

Tools and tips to remember…

Dream Create Discover Your Life Path Reading

Hi everyone!

Here are some six sensory tools today to help you when you are working in the higher realms, mediumship, healing, or honoring your intuition for yourselves and others.

Fear not, judge not, resist not.

Consider, if you will, being in flow with the energetic realm, layer, dimension, or however you experience the energy. You are protected by your guides and other light beings when you  are in light.  It is not the place for fear, judgment and resistance as all of the lower vibrational experiences will lower your energetic vibration and block your own beautiful light.

“When you are nervous, think of service.”

This one is a winner every  time and one of my favorite tips from Doreen Virtue.  It’s funny  how a little saying has so much ability to help you shift to where you want to be for any service you are giving.

Breathe in the space where you feel the happiest, where you connect with your guides, angels or departed loved ones.  The breath is key to our connection to the light of life, inspiration, creative flow, and our guides, angels and beyond. It is also important to help our focus.  So do please consider the breath as your “go to”  tool.

Intention is key to your success.

Take a moment to determine and set your intention before meditating, creating, connecting to Spirit, and working and with others.  It’s the moment to ask for guidance and removal of the ego during your time in the light.

I encourage you to try today’s tips and tools if you haven’t already, and notice how they work for you.  They are intended to help you live a more joyful life.

Now you’re  invited to it in the light, serve others, shine your own beautiful light every where and have a wonderful weekend.

Love , light and joy,
