Margaret Nock

The truth of the matter…

Doreen Virtue

Do you ever doubt or worry about your current situation and what is really behind the reason you are struggling?  Do you take the time to try and discover what is causing the discord in your life?  Have I pulled the right card for you! Today’s card is about discovering the “truth”.

The truth card brings to our attention that we may already be in tune to what is true in any situation.  As six sensory people, we have to learn to trust that inner knowing.  This can be difficult for some of us.  How many times have you been aware of the truth of the matter, and ignored your awareness?  This is a common occurance for all of us as we learn to trust our guidance. 

Our bodies will alert us to what is true by giving us physical signals and symptoms. They are sometimes  subtle and sometimes overwhelming feeligs, but they are always there in the space behind the heart if we take the time to listen.  The creator and the angels will also guide you as to what is true in gentle and comforting ways even during the most difficult situations facing us.

The Truth card also encourages us to tell the truth to ourselves and others in loving and gentle ways.  Archangel Michael will give you courage and protection if you need help in this area. Michael’s prescence will ensure that everyone will benefit and will dispel and protect the situation from lower vibrational energies.  You will need to ask for his help in order to begin the process.

The single unicorn pictured is strong and aware.  The divine white light and gold  overhead signified to me that the way is clear and that you are protected. The blue sky brought to mind Archangel Michael. I am struck that the unicorn seems to be alone at first glance, and am reminded of the number one.  We are all one and are never alone.  The divine is always there for us, we need only to stay connected to the source and never be afraid to ask for help.

On a personal note, this card was so relevant to my own situation that I felt the need to share it with you.  We all get so wrapped up in the day to day drama and trama that we really forget to focus in on and connect to our guidance.  It also fell surprisingly into the theme of the mystical and magical world of fairies, etc. that I blogged about earlier this week…and we know there are no accidents in our sensitive six sensory lives.

To help you get started, try to begin each day being thankful for the chance to begin again and take it from there.  This will open the door to guidance. Check in during the day by asking questions or asking for help and wait for the answer.  The more you do this, the more you will  become aware of the subtle signs, ideas, and sychronicities that will begin to unfold and present themselves to you.  The divine may work through other people, give you ideas, dreams, or physical signs. Act as if you were a puppy or a child in that every day is a fresh start or do over opportunity.  Feel the gratitude of being able to begin again.  This gratitude will also help clear the way for a better connection to your inner wisdom and divine guidance. 

Here’s to a beautiful new year for you filled with opportunities to receive guidance.

Breathe and enjoy you’re day.
Margaret-Elizabeth (Now where did I put that do over button thingy?)

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