Margaret Nock

Get in the flow…

Inspiration for your Monday …

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Often I write about leading each day with your
intuition and any guidance that you receive from spirit, but it’s also important to think about living in open hearted awareness.  When your heart is open, your life flows much more easily. Your life and the others you come in contact with, will improve. Go ahead and get in the flow and see what happens. Perhaps it may make you feel different right away or perhaps it will be a gradual process for you. Either way, you are beginning a wonderful practice of opening your heart so that you can live your life more fully. 

I encourage you to take the first step to acknowleding this awareness by forgiving yourself, and others and start your week with a clean slate. Your intention to open your heart, listen to your heart, and receive guidance through your heart space,and with practice, will become a natural process in your daily life.

Remove yourself (as much as you can) from harsh situations, words, and anything or anyone that causes you to feel fearful, drained, or uneasy. Breathe deeply often during your day to allow spirit in and stress out of the body. Most of all, be kind to yourself and your spirit every day and you will easily fall into the flow of your life with a new sense of awareness and joy.

With practice, and spirit, all things are possible.

Have an incredible day and enjoy your new awareness.  It will come.

