Margaret Nock

June Affirmations!

Can you believe it’s June already and time to explore new affirmations perfect for this time of year?  We’re getting out more and enjoying being more active.  It’s also the time we begin to notice our bodies after a long chilly winter as we begin to show more of it with lighter and more relaxed clothing.  With these changes in mind, I felt guided to give attention to healing our physical body.  Tada!

Six Sensory Being June Affirmations


I invite you to work with one or all of these affirmations this month.  Take a few moments a day to breathe gently, center yourself and say your affirmation out loud.  Feel how the words feel and pay attention to any responses you feel in you body.  You can also work with these affirmations during your daily meditation as this helps reinforce the positive vibrations of these words.

Enjoy your free affirmations and I’ll be posting again soon to update you on some new Six Sensory Being goodness!

High Vibes!

