Margaret Nock

Creativity Calling…

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ”
Pablo Picasso, Pablo Picasso: Metamorphoses of the Human Form : Graphic Works, 1895-1972


Do you crave more creativity in your life? Are you perhaps being creative but not aware how your creativity is inspiring someone else?  Are you in the creative flow and expression of the divine spirit within? What about those big life questions? If you could do anything that would bring you joy, what would it be?  … and why aren’t you doing it?  What’s holding you back?

Today, I caught the interview on Super Soul Sunday on OWN with Oprah and Rainn Wilson of The Office.  They discuss the SoulPancake Community  and how it’s helping people discover their joy and creativity.

There’s also SoulPancake:Chew on Life’s Big Questions in paperback.



In a nutshell, I encourage you to check out the website, the book, and the interview, especially if you’re feeling a spiritual crisis in your life or if you feel stuck, empty, scared, jaded, angry, or just plain lost at times.

The SoulPancake experience is a creative experience for your beautiful spirit. Invite the creative in and give yourself a fresh practice of joy,  exploration, and curiosity. I’m not going to write more.  It’s an experience thing…now go check it out if you haven’t already.  Remember to write about your new creative experiences!

Margaret (allowing and exploring the gift of creativity today)

