Margaret Nock

modify manic monday…

butterfly post

I invite you to put aside a few moments during your busy day to close your eyes, take a deep inhale and exhale to enable you to shift from the outer world of illusions and frenetic energy to the quiet inner world where there is no rush.  Consider, if you will, what makes you happy by focusing  in on your  heart space and breathing gently in and out.  Use your natural breathing to hold the feelings  you are experiencing.  This may be difficult at first as you may need more deep breathing to reach the inner quiet, but that is perfectly fine.  It will become easier without forcing and with practice you will find that you can shift quiet easily any time you feel overwhelmed or stressed.  Allow your own sense of what is right for you and make any adjustments you need to your practice of tuning in to your natural calm state.


Exciting new things coming to Six  Sensory Being this Fall and in 2015!  September is  my birthday month and I will be sharing the celebration with you by offering new services, and budget friendly options for both local and online customers.

Thank you for all the positive feedback and I appreciate your support as it  helps me understand your  needs.

I encourage you to begin your week by inviting and allowing peace, joy and good health into your life.
