Margaret Nock

Are you grieving the loss of a beloved pet?

Molly's Blanket of Hope, Knit Knitavian Style

Mollys Blanket of Hope, Knit Knitavian Style

If you feel a beloved departed family pet around you, it is not your imagination.
They visit to reassure us and give love from the other side. Thank them as you acknowledge the love they bring…

Our dog Molly passed away last week peacefully. She has visited often to help us grieve as a family and to show us what she can do now on the other side. She is happy and safe. Her life as a healer is not over, however, she is continuing on the other side.  During her seventeen years on Earth, Molly never met a person or animal she didn’t love and often gave healing just by being there.   She  travelled extensively, and had her picture taken by many. She posed like a pro and she became a part of my knitting blog, interviews, trips to knitting events and books over the years.

Madison, our younger dog is very aware of Molly and seems more peaceful now. Please know that your pets are very sensitive to spirit. They need comfort during the grieving process as well.

I hope you will gain some peace with this post if you have lost your family pet. Close your eyes and feel their loving support. It is there.

Thank you for all the love, light and support many of you offered during this difficult time.  I know your prayers and light helped Molly pass over more peacefully.

Have a beautiful week,
