Margaret Nock

Tuesday Tips: Trust

Trust: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

Today, I would like to encourage you to trust what you receive from the collective mind while meditating, your knowing and other senses which guide you daily as a six sensory person, including your own higher self.  We don’t always know exactly why we’re being guided or gifted with ideas and creativity to move in a certain direction, but we know on every level of our being that trust is important.  Our lives unfold before us in mysterious, and surprisingly beautiful ways and it’s our job to trust the process of divine timing, our developing gifts and our intuition. When we open our heart to trust, we are able to receive the help we need along the way quickly and our journey becomes much easier. There is no need for worry.  We are free to experience every step our lives with confidence.

Consider how you can listen to and open your heart to trust if it’s difficult for you or feels scary.  With the practice of trust, you will gain new insight into the possibilities of growth and exploration regarding your life’s purpose.  Take small steps every day toward your practice of trust. Write down, record, or express in your own creative way of your choice, all of  your feelings about trusting yourself, other people, and the divine help that surrounds you and supports you every day. You may not believe it at first and that’s alright, because with  practice you will begin to understand how the act of trusting frees you and enriches your life daily.  Write down each word, idea, symbol or feeling that comes up for you. It’s helpful  to keep it a simple practice to integrate into your busy life.

Let’s begin your practice of trust with your intention every morning before you get out of bed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale gently and say or think the following:

Today, I will trust my intuition, my gifts and guidance.

Margaret Elizabeth Six Sensory Being (2)

You are the blessing,


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