Margaret Nock

Halloweenie winners!

Any excuse to wear mini tiaras!

Any excuse to wear mini tiaras!

Autumn Glee

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. -Albert Camus

Autumn is a special time when we can reflect on our accomplishments, acknowledge challenges we are currently facing, or have recently overcome, and experience heightened anticipation of the holiday celebrations to come. We begin to make more time for friends and family, take walks in nature, wear warmer clothing, and drink delicious beverages from our favorite mugs. It’s a comforting time for me personally, as I forge ahead with new projects to improve and create more content for you to enjoy.
There are swirls of energy behind the scenes, as I type  this email!  It’s exciting and though can’t share everything just yet, I will be updating you on all the new six sensory goodness ahead in the coming year.

First ever Halloween Drawing for a free reading with me!  Thanks for entering!

And the three happy Halloweenie winners of the free reading are: (drumroll please)

Thomas F

Jana S

Ellen C

Halloween Drawing for a free reading

Many of you have asked for a recording of your sessions, and I’m now happy to include them, with the help of Maestro Conference.  You will now have private and quick access to your downloaded session any time you want. Woot!

Super Saver Six Sensory Being Gift Certificates are now available!  Gift yourself or a friend with a 40 minute reading with me for only $45!  Choose one from the three most popular services at Six Sensory Being:

Spirit Reading

Energy Clearing/Balancing

General Reading

Get the scoop on the Six Sensory Being Products Page. Yay!
There  are also some new items
added to the Products page, so if you haven’t been by for awhile, do check them out.

Happy Halloween and Happy Autumn,

Margaret…looking forward to apple cider, pumpkin spice and wearing a tiara to work on Halloween!
Happy” knitting medium” note: Many of you know that I also knit so I invite you to visit margknittinaround on and my free knitting patterns on for some knitty fun.