Margaret Nock

Are you worried right now?

”Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – Marie Curie

What are you worried or afraid about? Our external life is filled with beauty and goodness, yet sometimes we feel fearful or worried. Notice what makes you fearful and worried.

How deep does it go? Is it recent or ancient?

Ask yourself what is it really?

Do you have enough information?

Do you recognize why you feel this way?

When was the last time you turned away from all the hype and spent time off devices and relaxed?

These are just a few suggested questions to ask yourself.

The world is confusing right now externally. There is much unknown or hidden that is rising to the surface for everyone. This is new, for most people living at this time, and we are witnessing and experiencing new territory and a lot of fluctuation.  So yeah, kind of worrisome at times, right?

The big awakening happening across the globe, needs to be understood with higher perspective.  One way is to acknowledge and appreciate mind, body and soul daily.

Ask the higher self to inform you. (and listen)

Use intuition daily to guide you. (and trust it)

Set time away from it all and rest, meditate, create and explore.

Do the things you enjoy and let go of worry and fear.

Worry and fear should be considered unwanted weeds in the minds garden. They only need a slight tug to be removed. They are meant to be dealt with not to take over your life.

Get busy, stay aware, and “Be the love you are”,

From my heart to yours,


Image Source: Kelly Sikkema,  Unsplash

Quote Source:

Please use what you need and disregard what does not serve.

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Margaret Nock


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