Margaret Nock

Animals, Totems and Spirits


Animals, Totems and Spirits All rights reserved.

This morning I noticed a beautiful hawk perched high in a tree.  It was an emotionally healing experience for me to sit and watch this beautiful and wise animal.  As I watched, I began to see the life energy of the tree, and other energies swirling around it. Sunbeams shone down and there was a slight breeze moving in and around the branches and leaves. I began to feel more clear and open to all living beings as I continued to be aware and open to these energies. I received guidance to share this experience with you today to remind us all that the animals have wisdom to share and we should always take time to acknowledge, accept and thank them.

Animals and animal spirits show up in our lives when we need their wisdom, healing messages and unconditional love.  You may have had what adults around you might call “imaginary” animal friends when you were young.  Think back to that time and you will probably experience the feeling of peace these animals brought you.  You may have later devoted your life to helping animals, invited them into your home as beloved family members, or been drawn to advocate and protect them.  You may also noticed that animals show up in unusual ways to guide you or perhaps become adopted into your family.

There are no accidents.  I encourage you to remember all the times animals have brought wisdom, unconditional love and joy into your life.  Trust and know that whatever you perceive while they are near you is a real and healing experience.

Have a weekend filled with the joy and awe of animal wisdom!


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