Margaret Nock

A practice of awareness …


The butterfly is a beautiful symbol of transformation.  Perhaps you have been drawn to the butterfly because there is change in your life that you perceive as an important transformation along your life path.  Our departed loved ones often bring butterflies into our awareness to gently remind us that they are always supporting and loving us from the other side.  Consider and acknowledge, if you will, the butterfly as a welcoming sign of your increasing awareness of all that is beautiful and transformative in your life.

For the month of August, consider allowing yourself to make it a  daily practice to acknowledge and thank your departed loved ones in the light for any and all messages you receive through a practice of awareness. They gladly send us love and support for any changes that we are experiencing. Journal all that you receive, no matter how subtle the message, idea or feeling.  Know that what you receive is not your imagination.  You may send your loved ones in spirit loving energy and thank them, as they will receive  your love and hear you.  You may struggle at first, but with practice and patience it will become easier and worth the effort. Experiencing spirit in God’s light will be uplifting and loving.

Have a wonderful week filled with new found awareness and joy, everyone.

Thanks  for reading,
