Margaret Nock

Self Care

The last two months, clients have been coming for services and are in dire need of self care so I thought I would share a few ways you can learn the daily practice of self care.

Many of us are surrounded with energetic frequencies and energies that make us feel tired, disconnected, fearful and sometimes angry. They are not of our own natural energetic fields of emotion, mental awareness, and physical body.  Some of this is caused by new energies coming into our awareness and surrounding the planet along with the energy of abrupt change in our lives.  This can upset us and the people that surround us daily.

Many of us are facing big challenges as never before.  How do we handle these challenges? What do we do about returning to the vibration of love or higher?  We can begin by asking the angels, who lovingly support us to help us, smooth out or daily experiences and help remove all that is not of love in our bodies and our daily lives.  Ask them to restore balance, and help you stay in present time, to avoid falling into fear, drama, and lower vibrations that leave you drained, irritable and depressed.  The angels will gladly restore you to love and raise your vibration so that you may be resilient and strong enough t0 handle any change that comes your way.

Remove toxic foods, cleaners, people, and situations from your life.  When dealing with others, do so in the most loving way possible and if you need help or ideas on how to do so, then ask for guidance from your guides, angels and God. Listen and pay attention to any ideas you may receive as that will be your divine guidance.  It is not your imagination that you will receive helpful ideas at this time.

Remember, the highest frequency wins.  When your frequency is love or higher, the lower vibrations of hate, anger, and fear can not touch your frequency.  It just doesn’t.  Imagine stepping over those frequencies without judgement or attachment.  Clear and cleanse yourself with the help of the angels and your intention to live in a state of love, and nonjudgmental awareness.

Self care starts with you.  Set your boundaries, learn to say no and take time for yourself daily.  Your loved ones will adjust to this change as they will notice  a happier, more loving you.


If you need daily support, try FES Flower Essence Formulas for Body/Soul Wellness.  They are high on my list of safe, soothing and effective essence formulas for maintaining a balanced life.

I invite you to enjoy your pets, nature, children and any activity that brings you happiness and peace as often as you can. No more couch potato.  Turn of the television and turn on uplifting music and don’t forget to move!  Physical movement reminds the body that we are still alive and on the move releasing tension and elevating our mood.

Most of all, remember that self care is not a selfish act.  It enables you to  respect and restore your vitality so that you can continue to be the vibrant, wonder filled, and beautiful spirit that you are.

Blessings of joy, self care and celebration of  being a spirit of divine light in human form at this time on Earth.
