Margaret Nock

Push Play…

Hi six sensories!   Do you take time out from your serious nature as a sensitive being to play?  Do you play light hearted games with your guidance?  How about with your energy field? 

Yesterday, during my morning meditation and energetic high vibration check-in, I asked for discounts to come into my energy field.  I don’t know why, it just it occured to me that it might be fun, and I haven’t had one in awhile. 

Later in the day, I took Molly, my Yorkie, to the vet for her yearly check and I received two discounts. This was so amazing to me and has never happened during a vet visit. I had to giggle when the vet mentioned that Molly’s heartworm test was free with her lab work and there was a rebate on her heartworm medicine when I checked out at the front desk. 

You are encouraged to be more playful and shake things up in your six sensory life from time to time.  Ask your divine guidance for help if you need it.  Pray/meditate, dance, sing, enjoy music and play along your wonderful six sensory life journey. Notice what shows up for you…and don’t worry if something doesn’t show up for you right away.  I find that something I ask to experience may show up exactly when the time is right (not when I think it is time) or maybe I just didn’t really want it that much and my heart and inner wisdom felt it.

Consider trying different ways to connect with her inner wisdom, divine guidance,and your energy/vibration.  Notice what works best for you.  I urge you to consider keeping a journal of your experiences and periodically look over what you have experienced over time. You will be astonished at how your six sensory life will begin to develop.  Your connection and commitment to source will deepen more easily with joy.

Have a wonderful weekend and don’t forget to push play!

Margaret-Elizabeth (more play, less drama)

When Spirit is with you, nothing is against you.