Margaret Nock

Meet me on the corner of intention and enthusiasm.

Today, I invite you to consider the idea that, in life, prayer or meditation,and any six sensory endeavor, intention and enthusiasm work hand in hand. They are key to a positive outcome.  In my own life, I’ve found that one without the other seems difficult to consider.  Many times, I’ve  dived in with enthusiasm in all areas of my  life. If an intention was not set beforehand in morning meditation, unexpected, and not always welcomed results tended to occur.

Whatever your six sensory calling may be helping others, it is equally important to set the intention for healing.  Your enthusiasm for your abilities and the loving guidance of the holy spirit will spill over into your session allowing others to feel comfortable.  They will become more receptive to the message and healing.
I encourage you to set an intention using your own words for your day – every day!- for the next few weeks.  You may find it enlightening to journal your experiences, opportunities, and new ideas that show up in your life. This will be your very own written account of all your observations and experiences over time. You will discover the subtle ways your life is improving and how you are lovingly being guided by the holy spirit and your higher self.  Trust what you are experiencing and enjoy the process.

My hope is that you will joyfully begin your week with confidence and allow your beautiful spirit to soar. 

Meet me on the corner of intention and enthusiasm!  I’ll be the one with a can do attitude and a big smile knowing that you read this blog.

Thanks for stopping by.