Margaret Nock

Heartfelt and Eloquent Animal Wisdom


Many of us who communicate, practice Pet Reiki and love animals, especially our family pets, already understand that animals have an incredible capacity for empathy, psychic ability, and feelings.  They teach us about love and give us insight into our own six sensory gifts. Pets, especially seem to bring out the best in us and help us cope with the chaotic world around us.  Every pet I have had  had the pleasure to give a home to has taught me valuable lessons of love and understanding.  Max, our little Yorkie, found a tumor that was potentially cancerous.  When I mentioned this to the dermatologist he told me that I was the 3rd person that month who had come in because their pet had urged to take action by sniffing, putting their paw on the area, or licking the growth.  He was concerned about the lump I had because it just didn’t seem right by smell, most likely, and it was the type of growth that is usually cancerous.  Luckily, I was able to take care of it right away thanks to little Max.  This is just one example in my own life experience.  There are many documented cases of animals helping humans with health issues and giving early warnings when something isn’t right.

I was recently gifted Animal Wisdom: Learning from the Spiritual Lives of Animals (Sacred Activism) by Linda Bender available in paperback and on Kindle. Linda does a thorough job of combining research and compassion for all of the animals on the planet and gives clearer understanding for all of us as to why animals are here and how they help humanity with their wisdom.  I’m really excited to know there is an eloquent book like Linda’s out there to appeal not only to animal lovers, but to anyone, really, who lives on the planet!  I hope you will take a look at this book and be encouraged to share the knowledge that resonates with you, with others, especially children.

How have animals influenced you?  Our experiences with animals, whether they are here on Earth or perhaps our guides on the other side, can be some of the most healing experiences of all.  I hope you will notice the animals around you more often and consider their contributions.

Happy reading!



Maxwell Wilder Nock always up for adventure, snacks, and a new trail. RIP

