Margaret Nock

Forgiveness, fae and beyond!


Whom do you need to forgive? As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.


This morning, I felt the need for a boost of inspiration.  The cloudy day and the rhythm of the falling raindrops made me feel sleepy and uninspired.  I noticed the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Ph.D. on my desk.  It’s one that I often use when I feel sad or gloomy.  It always helps me open my heart space.

It may sound silly to some, but there is something comforting about the Fae energy.  My father told me many stories when I was young about this magical realm and it brought back fond memories in an instant seeing the deck.

The fairies were wonderful elements of the nature kingdom in these stories. Their existence were sometimes overlooked in adulthood when in reality, we were grounded by these unseen, but perhaps felt energies, as children.  We ran in the grass, felt the raindrops on our skin and imagined many stories about them.  They had names and personalities and were often seen as white lights around us as they lightened our emotional bodies.  Perhaps we also had so called imaginary animals who were our friends and we were quickly told, by well meaning adults or older siblings, that nature spirits of all kinds were just from the imagination.  They had long ago forgotten the world of spirit guides in nature, and no longer sensed their beauty and energy.  The joy and grounding of the fae and animal sprits brought us peace and surrounded us with beauty as we played outside for hours at a time.  It was a time of celebration of our spirits and learning to connect to the Earth and nature.

I will always know and accept the loving grounding energy available from these energies.  We only have to open our hearts and imagination.  I encourage you to accept the grounding energy and believe in your imagination, your great capacity to love, experience joy and peace.  It will also help you with your journey of forgiveness.  Forgiveness for yourself, situations, people, and challenges that may have been difficult.

I challenge you to take off your shoes, sit in the grass, gaze up at the sky and tall trees and invite the energy of your animal spirit guides and fae to surround you with their fun loving and grounded energy.  It’s been a long time, for most of us, since we’ve done just that! Allow yourself to forgive, to heal, and to become whole again with their loving energy and vibration surrounding you.

I hope you will consider being open to all of the wonderful healing energies of Earth and beyond.

Enjoy an openhearted day, the healing vibrations of nature, and forgiveness of whatever is blocking your light.  Thanks for reading.



A fairy (also fay, fae; from faery, faerie, “realm of the fays“) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical.

Magical Messages from the fairies, Doreen Virtue Ph.D.

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