Margaret Nock

Exciting new things are happening!

New things are happening here at SixSensoryBeing!  I’ve added a new reading called the “What is so” reading.  This is a very insightful reading that takes a look at your life path in present time.  It addresses any blocks that you may be encountering and offers you clarity, focus and confidence.  I’m so excited to be offering this reading to you and I look forward to helping you continue along your life path.

Consider an Angel Card reading via email. One of my favorite readings for May is the Flower Therapy Reading or perhaps a New Love reading? 

You may have noticed that I’m also offering sale prices for the month of May as well as a free numerology report (a $25 value!!!) with all readings. Hooray! I just love working with numbers and passing on my enthusiasm to you.  I’ll continue to offer a free Reiki blessing with a Spirit, Intuitive, or “What is so” readings. Please visit my Services Page for all the details on what’s new for the merry month of May.

Please take advantage of all the May goodness and I look forward to working with you soon.

Margaret-Elizabeth celebrating spring, life, and beauty at Longwood Garden last Saturday. The tulips bloomed late this year but they were worth the wait.

I encourage you to ask the Archangel Jophiel to bring more beauty into your life today, six sensories.